5 Tips To Enjoy That Extra Hour Of Sleep and Confidently Fall Back!

Before babies and children, the end of Daylight Savings Time and “falling back” was the day to look forward to each year! Who doesn’t LOVE that delicious extra hour of sleep?! Ahhhh…..those were the days!

But let’s be real, we all know that extra hour of sleep doesn’t often happen with children. In fact, it may actually mean even less sleep because now they are waking even earlier. No need to worry or lose sleep, we're sharing our Fairy Godmother sleep secrets!

Consistency is key!

As with most things in parenting, it’s less about how perfect or precise the method, and more about how consistently we stick to it. Babies and children crave the security and stability of routine – it’s what helps them predict what’s about to happen next. And when it comes to bedtimes, routine cues sleep associations, preparing their little minds to rest and be restored. So regardless of what time the clock reads, repeat your usual bedtime routine for consistency sake. And if things don’t go well the first few nights, it will be the consistency of your routine that will get your family back on track.

Overtired doesn’t mean more sleep

It’s easy to assume that if you just push back bedtime by 30 minutes for a few days, your little one will sleep-in an extra 30 minutes. But as many parents can attest, that may work for one night, but overtime it just creates an overtired & unhappy monster that catches a second wind or refuses to go to sleep because now they are too wired and tired. Working with smaller increments of time (say 10-15 min) over a number of days and allowing them to sleep-in or hang out in bed for a bit longer in the mornings is much easier to deal with than pushing their bedtime alone.

Harness the sunlight

In the spring and summer, we “fight” longer days and sunlight at bedtime. However now, it will get dark earlier and days will be shorter, so it’s a bit harder to use the sunlight to sync up your child’s circadian rhythm. Use what daylight you have to your advantage and expose your child's eyes to as much of it as you can! Before the sun rises and as the sun begins to set, keep your home and environment well lit. Dim the lights 30-45 minutes before bedtime to set the mood for sleep. Light and darkness truly do impact sleep - natural and artificial!

Sleep is only part of the equation

While sleep is the first thing we think of adjusting with DST, we often forget that our child's tummy is often set by a routine and needs adjusting too. It’s easiest to follow the same schedule you had before the time change, but keep in mind that it may be your little one’s tummy that wakes them earlier than the clock. Focusing on healthy protein and fat sources at dinner will help to sustain fullness into the morning. Simple carbohydrates (think bread, crackers, pasta, sugary snacks) can cause a bit of a roller-coaster for hunger and insulin cues, so don't rely on them as mainstays for the last meal of the day or to provide satiety into the morning.

Deep breaths

It can be really hard when our child's sleep schedule is thrown off, especially when they wake before we are ready to start the day. But stressing out about it won’t make it better or any easier for anyone. Like most challenges in parenting, remember, this won't last forever! Even if all of your planning and attempts don’t work, take comfort in knowing that the new schedule will likely work itself out over the course of a week or two. Giving everyone (yourself included) ample grace to work out a new routine, will go a long way toward making this a better experience for everyone! Sometimes the best thing is to just go with it and give into the temporary jumble!

Fairy Godmother help is available!

Changes in sleep can be difficult on everyone, especially if you are already feeling sleep deprived. Whether it’s being there to intercept the early morning wakings so you can actually enjoy that extra delicious hour of sleep, or creating a sleep plan that helps you tackle bigger struggles, we are here for you! Meeting you right where you are - providing hands-on overnight care and holistic sleep coaching to set your family up for sleeping success! Besides, what’s better than having your very own Fairy Godmother AND a good night's sleep?

Check out our Overnight Care & Holistic Infant Sleep Coach offerings under the Services tab! We can create a plan for you and even be there to walk you through it in person if you’d like the extra support!

**Bonus tips for toddlers and older children

Some kiddos are just eager to start the day. While others love their sleep so much they make sure you know they aren’t happy when it’s time to wake up. Having a child-friendly “alarm” clock that changes colors or gently plays a different song/background sound to indicate it is time to get up, can make a big difference to an older child trying to adjust. Plus it’s fun and empowering for them too! There are several options out there, including a few of our favorites: (1) Zazo Kid’s Sam Sleep Sheep Trainer Alarm Clock and Night Light, (2) Hatch Baby Rest Sound Machine, Night Light and Time-to Rise, (3) I CODE Time to Wake Clock for Kid’s, Children’s Sleep Trainer, Kids Wake Up Light, Sleep Sound Machine - all 3 are available in stores and online (links provided).